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​What is equestrian vaulting?

Vaulting is the performance of gymnastic and dance-like movements to music on a moving horse.


The horse is controlled by a lunger who sends him in a circle around them on the end of a lunge line.


Vaulters begin working in walk and progress, with training from a qualified instructor, to be able to execute fantastic freestyle performances in the canter. Vaulters learn to have the agility and athleticism of gymnasts, the grace and expression of dancers and the balance and feel of equestrians.

"Horse Vaulting" as some refer to it, is slowly growing in the province of Ontario. As of 2016, there are two competitions each year and we hope to see new clubs participating in 2017 and beyond! 



Come try a lesson and see if vaulting is the right sport for you! Please call ahead to book yourself into one of our lessons!

Why vault?
  • Vaulting is an afforable way to be involved with horses as many vaulters typically share one horse.

  • Vaulting develops rhythm, co-ordination, flexibility, strength, balance, creativity, and harmony with the horse. 

  • Vaulters learn teamwork, responsibility, trust and self-confidence.

  • Vaulting is an excellent introduction to the horse in a safe, structured environment.

  • Vaulting is one of the best ways to introduce people to and prepare them for horseback riding.

  • Vaulting enhances and helps develop the skills of dance, acrobatics and gymnastics.

  • Vaulting has a long tradition of friendly teamwork and camaraderie, which crosses the boundaries of clubs, countries and even continents.

Our Vision

Our team is deeply involved in the growth of equestrian vaulting in the province of Ontario. We are excited to see the sport grow and flourish as more and more people learn about and try it out!


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Brantford, Ontario, Canada

Tel: 519-717-6630

© 2016 by Liberty Vaulters

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